Mediare la famiglia nel simbolismo della casa
Il tema principale di questo lavoro è il concetto di casa, e in particolare che cosa questo concetto potrebbe rappresentare a seconda degli individui e delle situazioni.
Nel primo capitolo verrà presentata una riflessione sull’esperienza emotiva ed affettiva della “casa”. Successivamente l’autrice illustrerà come la casa per molti ragazzi possa rappresentare anche un luogo da cui fuggire, per numerosi motivi: voglia di indipendenza, voglia di staccarsi dalla vigilanza dei genitori, voglia di interrompere il conflitto con gli stessi … Desideri di fuga potrebbero emergere nel ragazzo nel momento in cui è presente una forte ostilità tra i genitori, attraverso la quale si crea un clima di disagio, di scomodità, malessere e carenze. In conclusione, verrà mostrata la figura della casa come “galera”.
Con gli anni e attraverso le esperienze personali e lavorative l’autrice ha potuto constatare come per molti la casa possa rappresentare una vera e propria prigione. Il periodo di emergenza sanitaria Covid 19, in cui siamo stati obbligati a stare all’interno delle nostre case, per molte famiglie è stato vissuto come un vero e proprio incubo. Donne che hanno dovuto vivere in stretto contatto, giorno e notte, con il loro maltrattante; bambini e ragazzi che hanno assistito, o addirittura, subito violenze, da parte dei genitori. Attraverso l’illustrazione di questi temi verrà spiegato il ruolo fondamentale che la mediazione riveste in tutti questi ambiti.
Main theme of this work is the concept of home, and in particular what this concept could represent according to individuals and situations.
In the first chapter, a reflection on the emotional and affective experience of the "home" will be presented. Subsequently, the author will illustrate how home, for many children, can also represent a bad place from which they try to escape, for many reasons: desire for independence, desire to detach from parental supervision, desire to interrupt conflict with parents …Desires to escape could emerge in teens when there is strong hostility between parents, through which a relational climate of unease, discomfort, malaise and shortcomings is created. In conclusion, “home” will be shown as as if it is "jail". Over the years and through personal and work experiences, the author has been able to see how, for many people, the house can represent a real prison.
The period of the Covid 19 health emergency, in which we were forced to stay inside our homes, was experienced as a real nightmare for many families. Women who had to live in close contact, day and night, with their abuser; children and young people who have witnessed, or even suffered, violence from their parents. Through the illustration of these themes, the fundamental role that mediation plays in all these areas will be explained.
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Main theme of this work is the concept of home, and in particular what this concept could represent according to individuals and situations.
In the first chapter, a reflection on the emotional and affective experience of the "home" will be presented. Subsequently, the author will illustrate how home, for many children, can also represent a bad place from which they try to escape, for many reasons: desire for independence, desire to detach from parental supervision, desire to interrupt conflict with parents …Desires to escape could emerge in teens when there is strong hostility between parents, through which a relational climate of unease, discomfort, malaise and shortcomings is created. In conclusion, “home” will be shown as as if it is "jail". Over the years and through personal and work experiences, the author has been able to see how, for many people, the house can represent a real prison.
The period of the Covid 19 health emergency, in which we were forced to stay inside our homes, was experienced as a real nightmare for many families. Women who had to live in close contact, day and night, with their abuser; children and young people who have witnessed, or even suffered, violence from their parents. Through the illustration of these themes, the fundamental role that mediation plays in all these areas will be explained.
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casa, domesticviolence, exposetodomesticviolence, familymediation, home, mediatorifamiliari, mediazioneconflitti, mediazionefamiliare, mediazioneinfamiglia, prevenzioneviolenzadomestica, relationship, relazione, violenza intrafamiliare, violenzaassistita